the GALley
Adventure with a capital A, Survival with a capital S, raging seas! All this and more is offered by Uncharted Waters – a collective experience of the extreme in a marine setting, in which the fragile theatrical skiff is swept far from any safe shore… The spectators are invited to imagine that they are passengers on a boat that is breaking up in the middle of an apocalyptic storm on the high seas. But all is not lost, because the Captain is keeping watch from the stage. Battling for all he’s worth against the powerful elements, this modern-day survivor will do everything he can to get through this ordeal. Olivier Rannou, in the anti-heroic role of the somewhat unhinged but totally likeable old sea dog, delivers a performance that is both surreal and funny. Maintaining a fine balance between melodrama and sincerity, the actor takes the audience on a slightly mad and unrelenting journey. The visual discoveries and lo-fi special effects combine to create a totally convincing – if often strange – aquatic universe. A short form of object theatre offering an intensely epic experience that skilfully navigates between laughter and fear, against a background of inspiring, almost poetic, images… ❛❛Olivier Rannou is one of those brilliant contraptionists whose creative fingers turn everything they touch into gold. It all works beautifully: the design and staging, the acting, the way objects are manipulated and the clever lighting. Léna Martinelli, Les trois coups ❜❜some tours (nearly 200 performances)Festival Mondial des Théâtres de Marionnettes de Charleville-Mézières • La Comète Scène Nationale, Châlons-en-Champagne • Le Moulin du Roc Scène Nationale, Niort • Scène nationale du Sud-Aquitain, Bayonne • Festival Échappée Belle - Scène nationale Carré-Colonnes, Blanquefort • Scène nationale Le Petit Quevilly, Mont-Saint-Aignan • Festival Boule de Gomme, Angers • Festival Tréto, Tourcoing • Festival MIMA, Mirepoix • Nuit de la Marionnette - Théâtre Jean Arp - scène conventionnée, Clamart • Festival Marmaille - Théâtre Lillico, Rennes • Espace Bleu Pluriel, Trégueux • La Salamandre - scène conventionnée, Vitry Le François • Festival Dans tous les sens, théâtre d’Angoulême • Espace culturel Le Quatrain à Haute-Goulaine • La Fabrique, scène conventionnée - Moirans-en-Montagne • Maison Folie Moulin, Lille • Théâtre Le Passage, Scène conventionnée, FECAMP • Festival TAM TAM – Théâtre des Alberts, Saint-Paul de la Réunion • Festival Titirimundi, Ségovie (Espagne) • Festival Map, Santander (ESPAGNE) • Kaosiung et Taipei (TAIWAN) …
object theatre